Aspiro plus
The Aspiro plus is the latest development from PCPL.The ASPIRO PLUS supplies air below the water surface and transfers it into a highly mixed horizontal water stream not unlike the wake of a boat. This efficiently mixes air and water into the lagoon, tank or other basin that requires it.

Aspiro plus: The Asprio Plus supplies air below the water surface, no unlike the wake of a boat.
The development of the ASPIRO PLUS sees higher oxygenation efficiencies than standard ASPIRO units, and also a greater level of control in your plant through the capability to aerate and mix, or to mix alone by turning air blowers off. This is a great advantage to batch operated plants and allows for nitrification and denitrification using the one unit.
The ASPIRO range is amongst the best of mixing aerators available worldwide, and as the ASPIRO PLUS, now offers higher oxygen transfer rates competitive with any type of surface aeration system. It can be used alone or in combination with other types of aerators to provide optimal efficiencies.
Multiple ASPIRO PLUS installations can completely or partially mix very large volumes of water at lowest installed power, and provide excellent turndown capabilities.
Even Higher Treatment Efficiencies
This means that the power put into your super-efficient ASPIRO PLUS aeration ensures oxygen distribution throughout even the largest basins